安多手工织品 W40Scent Bag 藏香包
【品名】W40 -- Scent Bag 藏香包
- 【羊毛保养】
- 蛾子非常喜欢吃羊毛织物。它们可以咬透其它材质的织物有时甚至是塑料来吃羊毛。为了防止蛾虫蛀咬你的羊毛制品,你需要保持羊毛制品干净,经常用布刷刷洗你的羊毛制品。
- 【手洗羊毛制品】
- 在温水中用柔和的洗涤剂清洗羊毛制品。千万不要用热水,不要用漂白剂,漂白剂会溶解羊毛。水完全没过羊毛制品,浸泡三到五分钟。轻轻挤压羊毛织物让水和洗涤剂完全渗入织物。不要用力拧绞。在冷水中漂洗掉洗涤剂,轻轻挤干多余的水分。
- 把织物摊在平坦的地方晾晒,如果需要的话按照原来的形状摊开,让自然的光和热蒸发多余的水分。不要把羊毛织物放在烘干机,烘干机的热、摩擦和压力会让羊毛缩水。
- 【熨烫羊毛织物】
- 调至羊毛熨烫档,加一些水,用水蒸气熨烫。不要干烫。轻轻挤压掉多余的水分。不要用力拧绞。把羊毛织物放在最里面熨烫,避免熨烫不良。当羊毛织物在最上层熨烫时,请覆盖熨烫布,也可以用干净的手帕或者棉布。
- 【羊毛织物、衣服、毛毯的储存】
- 在储存之前请用布刷刷一下羊毛以防止蛾虫蛀咬。洗干净羊毛,食物残迹,污渍和油都会吸引蛾虫。干洗和洗烫能够杀死蛾卵和幼虫。在真空包装并且有紧密封口的带子或者容器中储存羊毛织品。在容器中加入樟脑丸。羊毛织物拿出来使用前需要先晾晒以除去樟脑丸的气味。
- 【关于营业时间】
- 灰姑娘不是专职卖家,上线时间不固定哦,请各位买家谅解!
如有问题可以在邮件或店铺留言,我收到后会第一时间回复! - 【关于货品一口价】
- 所有宝贝均由“青海安多手工艺品有限公司”直接供应,店主希望通过这个平台跟朋友一起分享心头好。
所以,宝贝的定价均是明码标价,恕不议价!请谅解! - 希望您在此购物开心!
- 同时希望我们都能有个愉快的交易体验!
- 安多手工是2001年成立于泽库县。泽库县是青海省最贫困的地区之一,它位于西宁市南部300公里,隶属于青藏高原脚下的黄南州。高海拔和偏远的地势制造了很多的困难,例如极度寒冷和艰苦的生存环境。基础设施建设也非常落后,没有学校,诊所,也没有与外界沟通交流的信息资源。那里的居民多是半游牧的藏族,几乎完全依靠牲畜维持生计,有一些牧民能够采摘一些冬虫夏草补充生计。
2001年的夏天开始开发这个项目。一位从瑞典来的专家研究了可以利用的羊毛和当地的编织方法。然后她开始筹备培训项目,教当地的妇女card, spin, weave, knit and felt with the wool。这个培训项目从2001年的春天一直持续到2002年的夏天,在这期间,她经常亲自来教这些妇女,并且查验她们的作品。到了2002年的夏天,这些妇女的手工艺制品已经可以拿到市场上销售了。这些手工制品最早被销售给西宁市的外国朋友的社区。整整一年,产品生产和质量控制在重点强调和督促下取得了很大的进铂手工制品已经完全可以在商店销售了。
她相信一两年后,她的工作坊就能够自给自足。她的目标是使她的工作坊成为一条合格的生产线,能够制作出完全合乎订单要求的工艺品。现在,则库各个地区的妇女们能够生产出大量的手工制品,要求市场能够同步快速发展。虽然,快速的发展很鼓舞人心,但是,项目的组织者明白工艺品的质量才是项目能够获得成功的关键。因此,一整套的质量监督和控制流程一直在项目中从始至终地被执行着,以保证产品质量的稳定性。当引进新的产品时,我们同时开展生产的指导和培训。 - Amdo Craft started in the year 2001 in Zeku County. Zeku County is identified as one of the poorest regions of Qinghai Province. It is located 300 kilometers south of Xining, on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau in Huangnan Prefecture. The high altitude and remote location present many challenges, such as extreme cold and harsh conditions. There is also a lack of infrastructure including schools, clinics and contact with resources available in the cities. The people are semi-nomadic Tibetans, who rely almost entirely on their animals for their livelihood, supplemented for some by the caterpillar fungus picking.
- Current areas of our production Sites
- The Wool Project began after the government of Zeku County approached an international NGO about helping an exceptionally poor herding group. These nomads were part of a remote community and their only resource was the yak and sheep wool that they shear from their own animals. A textiles expert from Sweden developed this project in response to that request.
- The people of Amdo Craft
- In the spring of 2001, the project was developed. An expert from Sweden researched the types of available wool as well as the local methods of working with wool. She then prepared a training program in order to teach local women to card, spin, weave, knit and felt with the wool. The training took place from the spring of 2001 until the summer of 2002. During this time, she made regular trips to teach the women, and to check on the work they were producing. By the summer of 2002, the women were beginning to create products that were marketable. The items were initially sold to the foreign community of Xining. Throughout the next year, product development and quality control were emphasized and real progress was made. The products were now at a level at which they could be sold in shops.
Creating these market opportunities has continued to be one of the challenges of the project. However, by spring of 2003, other individuals took over the management of the project. They continued to monitor quality control, and began to introduce more items to the line. By 2004, the women of Garong were very capable, and were producing products in abundance. The focus then shifted to finding more markets to sell the products. Soon enough that focus became a reality, as currently shops in Tongren, Xining and Beijing, as well as sites in the US and Hong Kong began carrying the line. In the fall of 2004, the local township government in a different area of Zeku county approached the project staff, asking for the same project to be done in their area. The wool project staff, with the help of local Tibetans achieved this request by training others to develop this skill set. As a result, production has been ongoing. In addition, groups of very poor families surrounding areas in Zeku have also started producing the handicrafts with care.
A Tibetan from the township where the project began is the main translator and source of information. She has a high school education, and is fluent in both Chinese and Tibetan. She has grown tremendously as a professional through the course of the project, as she has developed a great rapport with the local women and is able to enforce quality control issues and disagreements about money. She has also developed an understanding of which products; designs and fabrics are marketable overseas.
She now lives in Zeku, the county seat for the area. Despite her personal progress, she continues to see extreme poverty. Her eyes have been opened to the extent of poverty that is pending for the older generation, as many of the aging population no longer have herds to meet their food and clothing needs. She has also noticed an increase of women in need. As a member of the community, it has been very difficult for her to see many local women living on what they find in the garbage. In turn, she developed a vision of using the wool project to help these women and has taken measures to ensure that these women will be able to make a living. She has since set up a two-room workshop in the town of Zeku and managed to gain the wool project’s support. Ultimately, she has achieved her goal to employs several local women. Many of these women already had the necessary handicraft skills, but for those that did not possess the skills, she simply believed in them and took the time to teach them the skills that they would need in order have a better future.
She believes that within a year or two, the workshop could be self-sufficient. Her goal is to have a quality line available and for orders to be placed and in turn filled exactly as requested. Currently, women in all areas of Zeku are producing a great deal of products, enabling markets to develop rapidly. Although, growth is essential and appreciated, the organization understands that the quality of the work is key to their success. A process will remain in place to ensure that consistency is achieved by following the guidelines and training workers properly as new products are implemented.
June (咨询特价)
Amdo Craft started selling wool project items in Tongren through a center for handicapped people. A wool expert from the States accompanied the project staff during several Amdo Craft trips. She lent a hand by training approximately 20 ladies in two villages in the Hainan prefecture. She trained the women largely in and felt making. As a result, these ladies are now producing high quality felted items. - (咨询特价)
Amdo Craft started training participants in Tongde County, Hainan Prefecture. Presently, approximately 14 men and women in Tongde County produce many of the AmdoCraft products. - (咨询特价)
Amdo Craft was set up as a wholly foreign owned enterprise. Expansion was apparent, as there was an increase in products made and sold in this year. Also, our official website was unveiled. We are now able to proudly exhibit the hand crafted products to individuals around the world. Please visitwww.amdocraft.comto see the collections. - November (咨询特价)
Amdo Craft received the first prize Award for “innovation and design’ at the Qinghai Tourism Exhibition. - 安多手工从2001年开始致力于和青海省的安多藏族牧民一起制作各种手工艺品,例如:编织手袋、辫式抛石器、手织围巾和毡制装饰品。这个项目的成果就是,藏族牧民现在可以通过制作这些产品获得家用和孩子教育所需要的钱。另外,年轻的藏族也开始热中于学习这些就要失传的藏族手工技艺。我们愿意为保护一个民族的文化做出努力。
- 目前,有50多个家庭为安多手工艺品工作!
很高兴可以在网上和世界各地的商店销售这些极品藏族手工艺品。感谢您的支持和关爱,因为您,藏族社区的孩子能享受基本医药、食物和教育。这些藏族牧民家庭现在所享受的经济独立是他们从来没有想像过的。感谢您! - Since 2001, Amdo Craft has been working with Amdo Tibetan nomads in Qinghai province.Producing such items as woven bags, braided slings, knitted scarves and felted decorations the Tibetan nomads are able to earn money to help with basic needs, such as the schooling of their children. Because of their parents success, young Tibetans are also learning traditional skills that might otherwise be lost. We love to see the preservation of Tibetan culture.
- Currently, over 50 families work with Amdo Craft!
- We are delighted to be able to offer these extraordinary Tibetan handicrafts online and in stores around the world. Thanks to your continued support and interest, children have received medicine, food and schooling and Tibetan nomad families are achieving never before imagined independence. Thank you!